The Well Kids exists to make disciples (Matthew 28:19), encourage the children to come to Jesus (Matthew 19:14), and to support, encourage and edify families in the body. Our vision at The Well is to make disciples, from the youngest to the most mature. Kids are a valued part of the Body of Christ and we desire to create a relevant and nurturing environment for them to know Jesus as their Savior and equip them to share Him with the world. We believe that parents are the most important influence in a child’s life, and our desire is to partner with parents in the child’s spiritual formation. All children’s leaders have undergone a background check and have been trained by our Children’s Ministry Director.

Nursery and Preschool classes will be offered weekly.
In our Early Childhood ministry, we strive to create the first building blocks of a strong, gospel-centered foundation for our children. We teach from the Scriptures and help parents proclaim to their kids who God is and what He has done in the person and work of Jesus Christ. During the service, we use play-based learning as we teach the Bible to the kids, using our curriculum: The Gospel Project. To find out more visit here.
Doors open for children in the Nursery and Toddler class at 9:15. Preschool children will join their families in the sanctuary for the opening songs and then be dismissed to join their teachers from the sanctuary. Please pick up your children from their classrooms following the service.
In our Early Childhood ministry, we strive to create the first building blocks of a strong, gospel-centered foundation for our children. We teach from the Scriptures and help parents proclaim to their kids who God is and what He has done in the person and work of Jesus Christ. During the service, we use play-based learning as we teach the Bible to the kids, using our curriculum: The Gospel Project. To find out more visit here.
Doors open for children in the Nursery and Toddler class at 9:15. Preschool children will join their families in the sanctuary for the opening songs and then be dismissed to join their teachers from the sanctuary. Please pick up your children from their classrooms following the service.
Well Kids Family Devotional
You can find the Well Kid’s Family Devotional below or on the Well App. The guide includes a scripture reading, family devotional, big picture question, and a key passage to memorize we encourage you to lead your kids in.
Recommended Bible storybooks
Bible storybooks are a great way to build foundational Biblical knowledge and encourage conversations about faith and life with your children. The following Bible storybooks are among our favorites:
You can find the Well Kid’s Family Devotional below or on the Well App. The guide includes a scripture reading, family devotional, big picture question, and a key passage to memorize we encourage you to lead your kids in.
Recommended Bible storybooks
Bible storybooks are a great way to build foundational Biblical knowledge and encourage conversations about faith and life with your children. The following Bible storybooks are among our favorites:
- Read and Share Bible by Gwen Ellis.
- The Beginners Gospel Story Bible by Jared Kennedy
- One Big Story Bible Storybook featuring the Gospel Project for Kids
- The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones
- The Biggest Story Bible Storybook by Kevin DeYoung
Early Elementary (K-2nd grade) meets 4 Sundays per month.
Upper Elementary (3-5th grade) meets on the first Sunday of the month only.
In our Elementary ministry, we work to continue building up a strong, gospel-centered foundation for our children. Our hope is to partner with parents in the discipleship of their children with a combination of direct Biblical instruction in a classroom and welcoming children into the sanctuary for services. We believe that it is valuable for children to grow up seeing their parents and the whole body of Christ displaying their love and obedience to God in a worship service.
Please check your child(ren) in prior to service. Elementary children will join their families in the sanctuary for the opening songs and then be dismissed to join their teachers from the sanctuary. Children will return to the sanctuary to rejoin their families during the closing songs.
Early Elementary
The Early Elementary (K-2nd) class will be offered 4 Sundays per month. When a 5th Sunday occurs, the Early Elementary class will be closed and children will participate in the full morning service with their families. The Early Elementary class uses The Gospel Project to equip children to know and love God as they gain an appreciation of the gospel as the central story arc of the Bible. To find out more about this curriculum visit here.
Upper Elementary
The Upper Elementary (3-5th grade) class will meet once a month on the first Sunday of the month. The Upper Elementary lessons will coordinate with the current sermon series. Through the class, we seek to help children connect that week's passage to the broader Biblical context and equip them with skills to study the Bible on their own and engage with the sermons on the weeks the class does not meet.
Want to be a part of The Well Kids team? Fill out the volunteer interest form.
Upper Elementary (3-5th grade) meets on the first Sunday of the month only.
In our Elementary ministry, we work to continue building up a strong, gospel-centered foundation for our children. Our hope is to partner with parents in the discipleship of their children with a combination of direct Biblical instruction in a classroom and welcoming children into the sanctuary for services. We believe that it is valuable for children to grow up seeing their parents and the whole body of Christ displaying their love and obedience to God in a worship service.
Please check your child(ren) in prior to service. Elementary children will join their families in the sanctuary for the opening songs and then be dismissed to join their teachers from the sanctuary. Children will return to the sanctuary to rejoin their families during the closing songs.
Early Elementary
The Early Elementary (K-2nd) class will be offered 4 Sundays per month. When a 5th Sunday occurs, the Early Elementary class will be closed and children will participate in the full morning service with their families. The Early Elementary class uses The Gospel Project to equip children to know and love God as they gain an appreciation of the gospel as the central story arc of the Bible. To find out more about this curriculum visit here.
Upper Elementary
The Upper Elementary (3-5th grade) class will meet once a month on the first Sunday of the month. The Upper Elementary lessons will coordinate with the current sermon series. Through the class, we seek to help children connect that week's passage to the broader Biblical context and equip them with skills to study the Bible on their own and engage with the sermons on the weeks the class does not meet.
Want to be a part of The Well Kids team? Fill out the volunteer interest form.