The name The Well comes from the account found in John 4. In this account, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well. He offers this sinful, socially despised and rejected, woman hope by offering her living water that would quench her thirst forever and would lead to eternal life. The Well seeks to keep this message central in everything that we say and do. We strive to bring the message of hope to all in our community and, furthermore, to the ends of the earth. Our hope is that the message of redemption, provided by the living water through Jesus Christ, would be the heart of our local body.
The Mission
Proclaim the Gospel. Make Disciples.
The Vision
Creating a Christ-devoted community, which transforms our city.

In the Community, For the Community.
We are a church that cares about our community. We want to see God’s glory eternally impact our neighborhoods, schools, and businesses. Therefore, we are committed to to being involved and serving our local community.

Gospel-Centered Teaching, Gospel-Centered Living
We believe that the good news of Jesus Christ brings hope into our lives. We strive to make God’s redemptive character a central part of everything we teach. We believe that the hope that comes from this good news should impact everything we say and do.

Disciples Making Disciples
We believe that as one grows in Christ, they are called help others grow and know Christ more. We are a community of people working together to strengthen one another and to help each other grow.

We believe that one of the most effective ways to fulfill the purposes God gave the Church is by multiplying ourselves. Therefore, we are committed to multiply ourselves by sharing Christ with those around us and by planting new churches.